VIII. Untersuchungen zum Kohlenstoff-Stoffwechsel unbestrahlter Zellen

Some quantitative data on the C metabolism in Saccharomyces cells of different ploidy were determined. The quantity of C necessary for the formation of a cell proved to be proportional to the degree of ploidy of the cells. For the duplication of a diploid cell, 6.7 X 10-11 g of glucose were used. In comparison with respiration-deficient cells, the simultaneous utilization of fermentation and respiration metabolism in respiration-sufficient cells led to a decrease of the cell cycle duration; however, the energy needed for the formation of a cell did not decrease. The rate of cell multiplication had a maximum of about 30[degree] C for all classes of ploidy. Certain assumptions about the utilization of the C source were confirmed by experiments with C14-marked glucose.