Effects of Hemp Dust Exposure on Nonsmoking Female Textile Workers

Symptoms of byssinosis were found in 39% of 102 female hemp workers who were nonsmokers. A higher prevalence of chronic bronchitis (P < 0.01) was found in workers with symptoms of byssinosis than in those without such symptoms. In hemp workers, either with or without symptoms of byssinosis, FEV1.0 and FVC significantly decreased during work on the study days, Mondays and Thursdays; significantly lower reductions were registered on Thursdays. Inhalation of metaproterenol sulfate (Alupent) before work significantly diminished FEV1.0 reduction, although not completely preventing it. Metaproterenol inhalation after work significantly increased FEV1.0, indicating the reversibility of acute lung function changes during work. Comparison of lung function values measured before work with values obtained in the control group indicates a chronic effect of hemp dust on ventilatory function.

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