Lifetimes of the Lowest52+and92+States of the Mirror PairNa23-Mg23

The lifetimes of the 52+ and 92+ members of the Kπ=32+ ground-state rotational band in the mirror pair Na23-Mg23 have been measured via the Doppler-shift attenuation method. The reactions C12+C12=Na23+ p or Mg23+ n were used and line shapes of the decay γ rays were observed in singles for recoil into Al and Ni backings. The results are 1.63±0.20 and 2.00±0.24 psec for the Na23 and Mg23 52+ first excited states and 0.11±0.02 and 0.08±0.02 psec for the Na23 and Mg23 92+ states. These results are compared to the predictions of the Nilsson model. The separation of the isoscalar and isotensor components of the M 1 rates is discussed as well as the separation of the spin and orbital contributions to the isotensor component. Incidental to this work, the energies of the first excited states were determined as 439.80 ± 0.15 keV (Na23) and 450.70±0.15 keV (Mg23), and the 92+72+ transition energies were measured with comparable accuracy.