We compared the point prevalence of cutting fluid dermatitis and transepidermal water vapour loss (TEWL) changes in groups of new machinists who (a) used a barrier cream; (b) used an afterwork emollient cream; and (c) did not use any cream (controls) over a 6‐month period. All machinists handled cutting fluid (neat mineral oil) during their work. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of cutting fluid dermatitis in the 3 groups throughout the study period. The prevalence of cutting fluid dermatitis in all groups increased rapidly during the first 6 weeks and thereafter remained steady throughout the remainder of the study period. The prevalence of cutting fluid dermatitis was slightly lower in machinists using afterwork emollient cream compared to those using barrier cream and controls (not significant). The differences in the mean TEWL changes during the study period among the 3 groups were also not statistically significant. The mean TEWL values in the 3 groups increased rapidly during the first 6 weeks of exposure to cutting fluids and thereafter remained fairly constant throughout the remainder of the study period. Barrier cream and afterwork emollient cream did not appear to have any significant effect against either cutting fluid dermatitis or TEWL changes in machinists exposed to cutting fluid. However, afterwork emollient cream appeared clinically to help reduce the prevalence of cutting fluid irritation.