Lichen planus is an inflammatory dermatosis which is characterized histologically by an intense lymphocytic infiltrate at the dermal epidermal junction. This frequently results in disruption of the basement membrane zone, occasionally causing clinical blisters. In order to better understand the specific portion of the basement membrane zone which is disrupted by the lymphocytic infiltrate, we examined 7 cases of lichen planus with antibodies directed against anchoring filaments (GB3), the bullous pemphigoid antigen, anchoring fibrils (type VII collagen) and type IV collagen. In lesions without separation at the BMZ, all antibodies were strongly expressed, as in normal skin. In lesions with early separation, there was a focal decrease in GB3 staining, but types VII and IV collagen labelled normally. In lesions resulting in blisters, GB3 staining was essentially absent, and anti-types IV and VII collagen remained, but stained in a disrupted, less discrete pattern. The bullous pemphigoid antigen showed only slight deviation from the normal staining pattern. These findings suggest that the basement membrane zone in lichen planus is disrupted in the lamina lucida region. The lamina densa and sub-lamina densa zones remain intact even in bullous lesions of lichen planus.