Spike Timing-Dependent Synaptic Depression in theIn VivoBarrel Cortex of the Rat

Spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) is a computationally powerful form of plasticity in which synapses are strengthened or weakened according to the temporal order and precise millisecond-scale delay between presynaptic and postsynaptic spiking activity. STDP is readily observedin vitro, but evidence for STDPin vivois scarce. Here, we studied spike timing-dependent synaptic depression in single putative pyramidal neurons of the rat primary somatosensory cortex (S1)in vivo, using two techniques. First, we recorded extracellularly from layer 2/3 (L2/3) and L5 neurons, and paired spontaneous action potentials (postsynaptic spikes) with subsequent subthreshold deflection of one whisker (to drive presynaptic afferents to the recorded neuron) to produce “post-leading-pre” spike pairings at known delays. Short delay pairings (in vivo, and is therefore a plausible plasticity mechanism in the sensory cortex.