Studies on the effect of achylia pancreatica on digestion and absorption in experimental animals have been numerous and consistent. It has been clearly demonstrated that exclusion of pancreatic juice from the intestine results in a decided increase in the quantity of fat and nitrogen,1 starch2 and the total carbohydrate3 eliminated in the feces. In view of the uniformity of these results, the negative results reported by some of the older workers4 can be attributed to a simple failure to exclude all pancreatic juice from the intestine.5 Reports on the value of substitution therapy in experimental achylia pancreatica have not been entirely harmonious. Pratt, Lamson and Marks,5 Cruickshank,6 Nasset, Pierce and Murlin,7 Selle8 and Schmidt, Beazell, Crittenden and Ivy9 all observed a significant reduction in the quantity of nitrogen wasted in the feces when adequate substitution therapy was instituted. Coffey, Mann