Biochemical and cytochemical localization of ATPases on the membranes of the electrocyte of Electrophorus electricus

The localization of (Na+-K+) ATPase in the intact electrocyte of the electric organ of Electrophorus electricus (L.) and its subcellular fractions was investigated by biochemical and cytochemical methods. The distribution of AChE activity in the subcellular fractions was also comparatively analysed with this enzyme serving as a marker of the innervated membranes of the electrocyte. After application of cytochemical method of Farquhar and Palade to glutaraldehyde-fixed tissue, reaction was observed only at the membranes of vesicles localized at the periphery of the electrocyte. Previously fixed electrocytes, incubated in Ernst's medium showed reaction only at the vesicles whereas in unfixed tissue reaction also appeared at other membranes (surface and invaginations) of the anterior and posterior faces. This reaction was significantly inhibited in the presence of ouabain or in the absence of K+. Inhibition of Na+-K+-ATPase by glutaraldehyde fixation was also confirmed by biochemical analysis.