Thermal Desorption of Organic Compounds Associated with Settled Household Dust

Settled household dust samples were collected from twelve dwellings in urban areas during an annual winter heating period. Emission of compounds from settled household dust was analyzed under simulated hot surface conditions with a temperature range of 50–300°C. The compounds were analyzed and identified by thermal desorption—gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric technique. The organic emission from household dust was relatively low at temperatures below 70° C, increased appreciably above 100°C, and gained in strength at temperatures above 200°C. Desorption of adsorbed compounds is the main contribution to emissions, but at higher temperatures the thermal degradation seems to affect also the quantity and the quality of the emissions. The organic composition of household dust was found to be equal in quality at different sampling sites; the emissions consist of mainly aliphatic aldehydes (C6—C13), aliphatic carboxylic acids and their esters (C8 C18, C6–C30) and phthalates. Phosphate esters, branched alkanes, n-alkenes, n-alkanones, monoterpenes, aromatic hydrocarbons, and aromatic and aliphatic alcohols were also well represented groups in household dust samples. The potential sources of identified compounds are discussed.