EPR of Gd3+ in NdCl3⋅6H2O

The electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of Gd3+ in NdCl3⋅6H2O has been studied with an X‐band spectrometer at 295, 78.9, 3.98, and 1.65 °K, and with a K‐band spectrometer at 295 and 77 °K. The low temperature data were used to determine the signs of parameters. In particular, the following values for the g tensor and the zero‐field splitting parameter b02 were obtained from X‐band data: at 295 °K, gzz=1.993±0.005, gxx=1.992±0.005, gyy=1.992±0.005, b02=1.864±0.015 GHz, b22=−1.053±0.015 GHz; at 78.9 °K, gzz=1.997±0.005, gxx=1.991±0.005, b02=1.953±0.015 GHz, b22= −1.366±0.015 GHz; at 3.98 °K, gzz=2.03±0.05, gxx=1.99±0.05, b02=2.02±0.15 GHz, b22=−1.32±0.15 GHz; at 1.65 °K, gzz=2.08±0.05, gxx=1.97±0.05, b02=2.06±0.15 GHz, b22=−1.29±0.15 GHz. (The K‐band values were found to be consistent with the X‐band values.) The individual values of all the other parameters were also determined. From the angular dependence of the data in the ZX plane the angle χ0, which the Z axis makes with the a vector of the unit cell, was determined to be 58.50±0.25°.