Whole-Blood Agglutination Assay for On-Site Detection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection

Simple and rapid diagnostic tests are needed to curtail human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, especially in the developing and underdeveloped nations of the world. The visible-agglutination assay for the detection of HIV with the naked eye (NEVA HIV, which represents naked eye visible-agglutination assay for HIV) is a hemagglutination-based test for the detection of antibodies to HIV in whole blood. The NEVA HIV reagent is a cocktail of highly stable recombinant bifunctional antibody fusion proteins with HIV antigens which can be produced in large quantities with a high degree of purity. The test procedure involves mixing of one drop of the NEVA HIV reagent with one drop of blood sample on a glass slide. The presence of anti-HIV antibodies in the blood sample leads to clumping of erythrocytes (agglutination) that can be seen with the naked eye. Evaluation with commercially available panels of sera and clinical samples has shown that the performance of NEVA HIV is comparable to those of U.S. and European Food and Drug Administration-approved rapid as well as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. The test detects antibodies to both HIV type 1 (HIV-1) and HIV-2 in a single spot and gives results in less than 5 min. The test was developed by keeping in mind the practical constraints of testing in less developed countries and thus is completely instrument-free, requiring no infrastructure or even electricity. Because the test is extremely rapid, requires no sample preparation, and is simple enough to be performed by a semiskilled technician in any remote area, NEVA HIV is a test for the hard-to-reach populations of the world.