Imaging modalities in central nervous system systemic lupus erythematosus

Within the past few years, a clearly defined case definition system for central nervous system systemic lupus erythematosus (CNS-SLE) has been established. This has allowed cross-study comparisons of patients fulfilling the specific case definitions. New imaging techniques used on the subgroup of CNS-SLE patients that did not have any evidence for infarctions suggest that in these patients symptoms are associated with a diffuse process in the brain. Most likely this process leads to axonal damage and demyelination, ultimately leading to cerebral atrophy. With respect to the diagnostic work-up of SLE patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms, it has become clear that cranial magnetic resonance imaging is the technique of choice. Preliminary studies using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging techniques suggest that patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms caused by active CNS-SLE can be differentiated from patients with the same symptoms caused by residual disease.