I present a model devoid of non-baryonic cold dark matter (CDM) which provides an acceptable fit to the WMAP data for the power spectrum of temperature fluctuations in the cosmic background radiation (CBR). An a priori prediction of such no-CDM models was a first-to-second peak amplitude ratio A1:2 = 2.4. WMAP measures A1:2 = 2.34 +/- 0.09. The baryon content is the dominant factor in fixing this ratio; no-CDM models which are consistent with the WMAP data are also consistent with constraints on the baryon density from the primordial abundances of 2H, 4He, and 7Li. However, in order to match the modest width of the acoustic peaks observed by WMAP, a substantial neutrino mass is implied: m(nu) ~ 1 eV. Even with such a heavy neutrino, structure is expected to form rapidly under the influence of MOND. Consequently, the epoch of reionization should occur earlier than is nominally expected in LCDM. This prediction is realized in the polarization signal measured by WMAP. An outstanding test is in the amplitude of the third acoustic peak. Experiments which probe high-L appear to favor a third peak which is larger than predicted by the no-CDM model.

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