Movement of Ammonium Nitrogen in Soils

The distribution of applied ammonium nitrogen in four southern Minnesota soils maintained at constant moisture tension and nitrogen concentration was determined in the laboratory. Ammonium nitrate enriched with N15 in the ammonium ion was used as a source of nitrogen. The soils varied in texture from loamy fine sand to loam, and in exchange capacity from 3.2 to 34.2 me. per 100 g.Movement of ammonium nitrogen in Anoka loamy fine sand was predominantly downward and lateral. In contrast, movement of ammonium nitrogen in Nicollet loam was nearly symmetrical with slightly greater upward and lateral movement than downward movement. Retention of applied ammonium nitrogen in the zone of injection amounted to 2.0 me. per 100 g. of soil in Anoka loamy fine sand, and to 14.4 me. per 100 g. in Nicollet loam. Movement and retention of ammonium nitrogen were intermediate in the Fayette silt loam and the Barnes loam.

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