The Immunohistology of the Persistent Generalized Lymphadenopathy Syndrome (PGL)

The authors employed a large panel of monoclonal antibodies to characterize and quantitate lymphoid subpopulations within the paracortex, mantle, and germinal centers of frozen sections of lymph nodes from 18 patients with the persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL) syndrome and five heterosexual controls. The authors’ data indicate that Leu-3+ phenotypic T-helper cells (TH) are reduced within all three compartments, while T-cytotoxic-suppressor cells (Tcs) are increased. Using the antibody 9.3, which allows dissection of the Leu-2+ Tcs subset into 9.3+ cytotoxic cells (Tc) and 9.3 suppressor cells (Ts), the authors found that the Ts subset is increased in the lymph nodes of these patients. In contrast to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients, paracortical total T-cells and Leu-8+ cells appear to be preserved in patients with PGL. Study of TH and Tcs subpopulations in peripheral blood in 12 of these patients revealed inverted ratios (mean, 0.59), which did not correlate with those seen in the lymph nodes. Although the paracortical TH/Tcs ratios were significantly reduced (mean, 1.44) they were not inverted, in contrast to some other reported series. In aggregate, these data suggest that, relative to AIDS, there is preservation of the paracortical T-cell microenvironment in PGL. Clinically, this correlates with more intact cell-mediated immunity and the absence of opportunistic infections and Kaposi’s sarcoma in this patient group. Follicle lysis was present in 11 patients. Increased HLA-DR+ paracortical cells, aggregates of Leu-6+ dendritic cells, decreased TAC+ cells, increased OKT-10)+ plasma cells, and increased interstitial immunoglobulin were among the other features observed in these patients.