PrPSc accumulation in placentas of ewes exposed to natural scrapie: influence of foetal PrP genotype and effect on ewe-to-lamb transmission

Placentas from scrapie-affected ewes are known to be infectious. Nevertheless, placenta infectivity in such ewes is not systematic. Maternal transmission to lambs is highly suspected but contamination of the foetus in utero has not been demonstrated. Using ewes from a naturally scrapie-infected flock, it was demonstrated that abnormal prion protein (PrPSc) accumulation in the placenta (i) is controlled by polymorphisms at codons 136, 154 and 171 of the foetalPrPgene and (ii) is restricted mainly to placentome foetal trophoblastic cells. In order to go deeper into the role of the placenta in scrapie transmission, the pattern of PrPScdissemination was established in susceptible lambs (genotype VRQ/VRQ) sampled from 140 days post-insemination to the age of 4 months from either VRQ/VRQ ewes with PrPSc-positive placentas or ARR/VRQ ewes with PrPSc-negative placentas. In both VRQ/VRQ lamb groups, PrPScspatial and temporal accumulation patterns were similar, suggesting post-natal rather than in utero contamination.