Parasitoids as biological control agents – a fundamental approach

SUMMARY: This review begins with a description of the parasitoid life-style and the ecological and evolutionary factors which generate the remarkable diversity of insect parasitoids. We then describe the various ways that parasitoids have been used in the biological control of insect pests, and survey their success to date. The use of parasitoids remains largely an art, aided by past experience of success and failure. A more fundamental approach, involving basic research and theory, has not as yet contributed significantly to practical biological control. We explore the potential for such a science of parasitoid use and review basic research on parasitoid ecology and evolution which is of particular relevance to biological control. Mathematical models are used to identify and examine those parasitoid and host attributes which lead to successful biological control. Factors such as parasitoid foraging behaviour, fecundity, larval survival and sex ratio are shown to be important in influencing the depression of host populations and/or the stability of host–parasitoid interactions after depression. Multiple release is discussed and a model for inundative release of parasitoids is explored.