Landau-Darrieus instability and the fractal dimension of flame fronts

Nonlinear dynamics of a slow laminar flame front subject to the Landau-Darrieus instability is investigated by means of numerical simulations of the Frankel equation, when the expansion degree γ=(ρuρb)ρu is small (here ρu and ρb are the densities of the unburned and burned "gases," respectively). Only burning in two-dimensional space is considered in our simulations. The observed acceleration of a front wrinkled by the instability can be ascribed to the development of a fractal structure along the front surface with typical spatial scales being between the maximum and the minimum truly unstable wavelengths. It is found that the fractal excess ΔD=D1 decreases rapidly with decreasing of γ, to a first approximation as ΔD=D0γ2, where D is the fractal dimension of the front. Our rough estimation of D0 gives D00.3. The low accuracy of the D0 estimation is caused by certain peculiarities of the Frankel equation that lead to extreme difficulties of its simulation even with the aid of supercomputers when γ0.30.4. It is shown, however, that D0 can be calculated also from the statistical properties of the Sivashinsky equation, which is easier to simulate, though the fractal excess for the Sivashinsky equation itself is equal to 0 (in a certain sense). The other important result of our simulations is that the front self-intersections play an extremely weak role when γ is small.