Current density and pressure dependence of XeCl excimer fluorescence and laser emissions observed in a very small volume discharge

Some observational results on the XeCl excimer B→X fluorescence and laser emissions from dilute Ne/Xe/HCl mixtures in a very small volume (∼1 cm3) pulsed avalanche discharge of ∼200-ns duration at high current densities (0.6< j<1.8 kA/cm2) and at high gas pressures (2< p<11 atm) are presented. With increasing j, p, and Ne dilution, the fluorescence pulse duration becomes more and restricted but the laser peak power continues to show an upward trend until p≊8 atm. In spite of the short pulse and low extraction efficiency, laser peak power of up to ∼10 kW has been observed from the ∼1-cm3 volume discharge.