Nucleic Acid Metabolism During Cytokinin Induced Cellular Differentiation

Edstrom9s microphoresis technique has been employed to determine the quantitative alterations in nucleic acid content and base composition of individual cells associated with the initiation of bud primordia in Funaria hygrometrica. The filamentous protonema of this moss initiates bud cells which through repeated divisions form the leafy gametophores. The cytokinin, 6-furfurylaminopurine (kinetin), was used to induce the differentiation of bud cells from protonematal cells. The total RNA content of kinetin-induced bud cells (22.0 μμg/cell) was nearly 15 times that of protonematal cells (1.6 μμg/cell). The same dramatic increase in total RNA was apparent in bud cells which developed spontaneously in older cultures. As would be predicted, the adenine (A) to guanine (G) ratio for DNA from bud and protonematal cells was identical (0.7). The A:G ratio for RNA from bud cells (1.0) was much lower than that from protonematal cells (1.7). Thus, kinetin-induced differentiation in this system involves a dramatic increase in total RNA, the base composition of which approaches that of DNA. The base composition (A:G ratio) of DNA remains constant.