Spin-dependent correlations and thermodynamic functions for electron liquids at arbitrary degeneracy and spin polarization

We solve a set of coupled integral equations obtained in the modified-convolution approximation scheme, to calculate the spin-dependent correlation functions and interaction energies for electron liquids at arbitrary degrees of Fermi degeneracy and spin polarization. Analytic expressions for the free energies are obtained through parametrization of the numerical results over a wide range of density, temperature, and spin polarization in the fluid state; Fermi-liquid properties are thereby investigated. Phase boundary curves, arising from divergence of the isothermal compressibility and of the spin susceptibility, are drawn on the density-temperature plane for the metallic electrons. In particular, it is pointed out that the signs and magnitudes of the spin-dependent or phonon-induced electron interactions exhibit remarkable changes across the phase boundaries; strong attractive interaction between electrons with parallel spins appears near the spin-susceptibility anomaly, where the spin-density fluctuations are enormously enhanced.