Comparison of Clinical Symptoms and Magnetic Resonance Angiographic (MRA) Results in Patients with Trigeminal Neuralgia and Persistent Idiopathic Facial Pain. Medium-Term Outcome after Microvascular Decompression of Cases with Positive MRA Findings

To evaluate whether NC could be demonstrated preoperatively, high-resolution magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) was performed in 287 consecutive patients with TN and persistent idiopathic facial pain (PIFP) on a 0.5-T and a 1-T MR unit. Depending on the clinical symptoms, the TN cases were divided into typical TN and trigeminal neuralgia with non-neuralgic interparoxysmal pain (TNWIP) groups. Microvascular decompression (MVD) was performed in 103 of the MRA-positive cases. The patients were followed up postoperatively for from 1 to 10 years. The clinical symptoms were compared with the imaging results. The value of MRA was assessed on the basis of the clinical symptoms and surgical findings. The outcome of MVD was graded as excellent, good or poor. The clinical symptoms were compared with the type of vascular compression and the outcome of MVD. The MRA image was positive in 161 (56%) of the 287 cases. There were significant differences between the clinical groups: 66.5% of the typical TN group, 47.5% of the TNWIP group and 3.4% of the PIFP group were positive. The quality of the MR unit significantly determined the ratio of positive/negative MRA results. The surgical findings corresponded with the MRA images. Six patients from the MRA-negative group were operated on for selective rhizotomy and no NC was found. Venous compression of the trigeminal nerve was observed in a significantly higher proportion in the background of TNWIP than in that of typical TN on MRA imaging (24.1% and 0.8%, respectively) and also during MVD (31.2% and 1.2%, respectively). Four years following the MVD, 69% of the patients gave an excellent, 23% a good and 8% a poor result. The rate of some kind of recurrence of pain was 20% in the typical TN and 44% in TNWIP group. The rate of recurrence was 57% when pure venous compression was present. The only patient who was operated on from the PIFP group did not react to the MVD. The clinical symptoms and preoperative MRA performed by at least a 1-T MR unit furnish considerable information, which can play a role in the planning of the treatment of TN.