GERTS QR: A Model for Multi-Resource Constrained Queueing Systems Part II: An Analysis of Parallel-Channel, Dual-Resource Constrained Queueing Systems with Homogeneous Resources

This paper presents an application of a new model for analysis of a special class of multi resource constrained queueing systems. The systems are “job-shop” systems where both machines and labor are limiting resources. The job-shop model has M parallel channels consisting of a work center containing a single machine at which a single processing operation is performed. Each channel has its own queue in which a strict FCFS discipline is enforced; items are not allowed to switch queues or balk. Arrivals to the system are Poisson and are assigned to a specific service channel at arrival time. The labor force consists of N laborers where N < M; it is assumed that all laborers are equally skilled on a given machine (work center). When jobs compete for labor, the labor is assigned on a first-in-first-out basis. An extended stochastic network simulation model and program, GERTS QR, is utilized to model and analyze the systems.

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