Recurrent spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormalities in children

Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality is a well-known entity in the pediatric age group. Age-related elasticity of the vertebral ligaments as well as immaturity of the osseous structures in the pediatric spine allow momentary subluxation in response to deforming forces. The resultant neurological injuries range from transient dorsal column dysfunction to complete cord transection. Between 1960 and 1985, 42 such injuries were treated at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. Management of these radiographically occult spinal cord injuries consisted of cervical immobilization for 2 months in a hard collar and restriction of contact sports. Recurrent cord injury occurred in eight cases during the 2-month immobilization period. A clearly defined traumatic episode was identified in seven of the eight patients, although in four children the recurrent trauma to the spine was trivial. Five of the children removed their collars briefly before the second injury, and two children incurred reinjury with the hard collar in place. The remaining child was too young for hard-collar immobilization, and recurrent neurological deterioration occurred during sleep. Serial flexion-extension films failed to detect frank instability in any of the eight cases. The children most susceptible to reinjury were those who sustained mild or transient neurological deficits from an initial cord injury and who rapidly resumed normal activities. Radiographically occult spinal instability resulting from the initial injury to the vertebral and paravertebral soft tissues presumably made these children vulnerable to recurrent spinal cord injury, often from otherwise insignificant trauma. During the last 21 months, 12 additional children have been managed with a more stringent protocol combining neck immobilization in a rigid cervical brace for 3 months and restriction of both contact and noncontact sports, together with a major emphasis on patient compliance. With this new protocol, no recurrent cord injuries have been documented.