Microbial metabolism of anthracycline antibiotics daunomycin and adriamycin.

The antitumor antibiotics, daunomycin and adriamycin, are metabolized by microorganisms in a fashion similar to their metabolism by mammalian cells. Mucor spinosus and its cell-free extracts reduce the 13-keto group of daunomycin to give daunomycinol by a TPNH-dependent process. Cell-free extracts of Streptomyces steffsburgensis convert adriamycin and daunomycinol to their 7-deoxyaglycones by DPNH-linked reductive glycosidic cleavage. Cell-free extracts of the latter organism convert 7-deoxyadriamycinone to 7-deoxyadriamycinol aglycone by TPNH-linked 13-keto reduction.