In this study, species of Peniophora which appear to belong in the subsection*** of Bourdot and Galzin's section Tubuliferae are segregated on the basis of a single cystidial characteristic, namely: the solubility in 10% potassium hydroxide of thickened cystidial walls. Complete descriptions are given of six previously described species (P. accedens, P. calothrix, P. chaetophora, P. crassa, P. juniperina, P. vermifera) and two species proposed as new (P. angusta, P. sceptrifera). Also included in a provisional key are four species recently described in this series of studies (P. hamata, P. inornata, P. prominens, P. regifica), as well as three long-known species (P. gracillima, P. hirtella, P. subulata). This work is presented as introductory to a taxonomic reconsideration of the Tubuliferae section of the genus Peniophora.