Evolutionary parameters of the transcribed mammalian genome: An analysis of 2,820 orthologous rodent and human sequences

We have rigorously defined 2,820 orthologous mRNA and protein sequence pairs from rats, mice, and humans. Evolutionary rate analyses indicate that mammalian genes are evolving 17–30% more slowly than previous textbook values. Data are presented on the average properties of mRNA and protein sequences, on variations in sequence conservation in coding and noncoding regions, and on the absolute and relative frequencies of repetitive elements and splice sites in untranslated regions of mRNAs. Our data set contains 1,880 unique human/rodent sequence pairs that represent about 2–4% of all mammalian genes. Of the 1,880 human orthologs, 70% are present on a new gene map of the human genome, thus providing a valuable resource for cross-referencing human and rodent genomes. In addition to comparative mapping, these results have practical applications in the interpretation of noncoding sequence conservation between syntenic regions of human and mouse genomic sequence, and in the design and calibration of gene expression arrays.