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The sensitive telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) permits telomerase detection in mammalian cell and tissue extracts with very low telomerase activity levels. Unfortunately, conventional TRAP assays require complex post-amplification procedures, such as polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and densitometry, to measure telomerase products. Therefore, a real-time quantitative TRAP assay (RQ-TRAP) was optimized in the present study and evaluated in comparison with a commercially available quantitative TRAP kit and by monitoring telomerase activity in human hepatocyte cultures, human hepatoma cell lines and telomerase reconstitution experiments. The novel real-time telomerase detection method has many advantages. Other than sample extraction and real-time cycling, no additional time-consuming steps have to be performed for telomerase quantification; reliable and linear telomerase quantification is possible down to single-cell dilutions without the interference of primer-dimer artifacts, and the costs are less. Moreover, the precision is similar to other amplification-based telomerase quantification assays and the results are comparable to data obtained with two commercially available assays. The closed-tube system reduces the risk of carryover contamination and supports high throughput. In conclusion, RQ-TRAP provides a new tool for the rapid and reliable quantification of telomerase activity.