Hard Diffraction in the QCD Dipole Picture

Using the QCD dipole picture of the BFKL pomeron, the gluon contribution to the cross-section for single diffractive dissociation in deep-inelastic high-energy scattering is calculated. The resulting contribution to the proton diffractive structure function integrated over $t$ is given in terms of relevant variables, $x_{\cal P}, Q^2, $ and $\beta = x_{Bj}/x_{\cal P}.$ It factorizes into an explicit $x_{\cal P}-$dependent Hard Pomeron flux factor and structure function. The flux factor is found to have substantial logarithmic corrections which may account for the recent measurements of the Pomeron intercept in this process. The triple Pomeron coupling is shown to be strongly enhanced by the resummation of leading logs. The obtained pattern of scaling violation at small $\beta$ is similar to that for $F_2$ at small $x_{Bj}.$

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