Comparative Values of Hulless Barley, Regular Barley, Corn and Wheat for Growing Pigs

An experiment is reported comparing hulled and hulless barley, wheat and corn as the grain components of rations for growing-finishing swine. Gains were significantly improved on the hulless barley (Utah hulless) ration, as compared to hulled (Hannchen) barley, and were equivalent to those on wheat but less than those on the corn ration. Feed efficiency was not significantly different for the hulless barley, corn and wheat rations, but it was better on all of these than on the hulled barley ration. Data on the latter were influenced somewhat by wastage. Backfat thickness was significantly less on both hulled and hulless barley rations than on the corn ration. Data are presented showing that Utah hulless barley yields well in the Western States. Copyright © 1966. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1966 by American Society of Animal Science