Levels of vehicles‐generated air pollutants in a street canyon
- 1 January 1984
- journal article
- research article
- Published by Taylor & Francis in Environmental Technology Letters
- Vol. 5 (1-11) , 349-358
- https://doi.org/10.1080/09593338409384285
Published data on atmospheric levels of Pb, CO and coronene were analyzed to give correlations applicable to a street canyon with high traffic density. These correlations, when combined with a model for CO, provide equations capable of predicting Pb and coronene levels. There is reasonable agreement between the predictions of these models and the levels recorded in London, England, [UK].This publication has 23 references indexed in Scilit:
- Vertical concentration profiles of traffic derived components in a street canyonScience of The Total Environment, 1984
- The applications of a street canyon model to two Helsinki streetsScience of The Total Environment, 1984
- Street level versus rooftop sampling: Carbon monoxide and aerosol in New York cityAtmospheric Environment (1967), 1982
- Vertical distribution of particulate trace elements in a street canyon determined by PIXE analysisNuclear Instruments and Methods, 1981
- Changing pattern in concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the air of Central LondonAtmospheric Environment (1967), 1976
- Patterns in airborne polynuclear hydrocarbon concentrations at four Los Angeles sitesEnvironmental Science & Technology, 1973
- Validation and applications of an urban diffusion model for vehicular pollutantsAtmospheric Environment (1967), 1973
- An Urban Diffusion Simulation Model For Carbon MonoxideJournal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 1973
- On the lead-concentration in an urban aerosolAtmospheric Environment (1967), 1971
- Lead, Carbon MonoxideandTrafficJournal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 1960