Excepting the few species noticed in the Report on the Ostracoda of the “Challenger” Expedition, scarcely anything, so far as I know, has been published respecting the Ostracoda of the South Sea Islands. Prof. G. M. Thomson has indeed published in the Transactions of the New Zealand Institute (1878), a paper on Crustacea, which includes a few marine and fresh-water Ostracoda of New Zealand; and the Rev. R. L. King, in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land (1855), described numerous species of Entomostraca, amongst which were several fresh-water, but no marine, Ostracoda. Dr Baird also published a species of Cypridina from New Zealand. I have myself contributed to the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1886) a paper on Entomostraca collected in South Australia, chiefly by Professor Ralph Tate of Adelaide, including a considerable number of fresh-water Ostracoda; and in a French publication (Les Fonds de la Mer), edited by the Marquis de Folin, there are likewise, by myself, descriptions of a few species taken at Nouméa, New Caledonia. There are also, in a paper of mine published in the Transactions of the Zoological Society (1865), notes of a few Australian marine species. This, I think, represents the sum of our present knowledge respecting the Ostracoda of these regions.

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