Further development of an improved altimeter wind speed algorithm

A previous altimeter wind speed retrieval algorithm was developed on the basis of wind speeds in the limited range from about 4 to 14 ms−1. In this paper, we use a new approach which gives a wind speed model function applicable over the range 0 to 21 ms−1. The method is based on comparing 50 km along‐track averages of the altimeter normalized radar cross section measurements with neighboring off‐nadir scatterometer wind speed measurements. The scatterometer winds are constructed from 100 km binned measurements of radar cross section and are located approximately 200 km from the satellite subtrack. The new model function agrees very well with earlier versions up to wind speeds of 14 ms−1 but differs significantly at higher wind speeds. We discuss the relevance of these results to the Geosat altimeter launched in March 1985.

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