Tamoxifen-stimulated growth of breast cancer due to p21 loss

Tamoxifen is widely used for the treatment of hormonally responsive breast cancers. However, some resistant breast cancers develop a growth proliferative response to this drug, as evidenced by tumor regression upon its withdrawal. To elucidate the molecular mediators of this paradox, tissue samples from a patient with tamoxifen-stimulated breast cancer were analyzed. These studies revealed that loss of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 was associated with a tamoxifen growth-inducing phenotype. Immortalized human breast epithelial cells with somatic deletion of the p21 gene were then generated and displayed a growth proliferative response to tamoxifen, whereas p21 wild-type cells demonstrated growth inhibition upon tamoxifen exposure. Mutational and biochemical analyses revealed that loss of p219s cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitory property results in hyperphosphorylation of estrogen receptor-α, with subsequent increased gene expression of estrogen receptor-regulated genes. These data reveal a previously uncharacterized molecular mechanism of tamoxifen resistance and have potential clinical implications for the management of tamoxifen-resistant breast cancers.