Foliar diagnostic norms for potatoes

Beaufils'' Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) norms for N, P and K in potato (S. tuberosum L.) leaves were tested. The norms were developed from 745 sets of data for elemental leaf composition and corresponding tuber yield. This was achieved by dividing the total population into 2 subpopulations (high and low) on the basis of yield. The norms were calculated from those forms of expressing the leaf composition which significantly discriminate between the 2 subpopulations. The degree of nutrient imbalance in the plant is expressed in terms of DRIS indices which measure the extent to which the nutrients deviate from the established norm. These norms enable one to diagnose whether N, P or K is the nutrient most limiting potato production in a particular case to be diagnosed. The advantage of the DRIS approach over the critical value or sufficiency range approach in making a diagnosis is illustrated.

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