Permeability of Nitrobacter agilis to Organic Compounds

Ida , S. (Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.), and M. Alexander . Permeability of Nitrobacter agilis to organic compounds. J. Bacteriol. 90: 151–156. 1965.—None of a variety of inorganic ions or organic compounds served as a sole energy source for the growth of Nitrobacter agilis , and the test substrates were not oxidized by either intact cells or extracts of the obligate chemoautotroph. The organic substances did not serve as sole carbon sources for the bacterium in a synthetic medium, and they failed to enhance the rate of nitrite oxidation. The organism was permeable to acetate and a number of other simple carbon compounds, however, and exogenously supplied acetate was converted to a number of products. On the basis of these findings, possible reasons are examined for the inability of the chemoautotroph to use exogenous organic compounds as energy or carbon sources.