Xenopus MHC class II molecules. I. Identification and structural characterization.

Class II antigens from the Xenopus laevis MHC (f haplotype) were identified by using a rabbit antihuman class II beta-chain serum (anti-p29boost). This xenoantiserum inhibits bidirectional Xenopus MLR (but not PHA-stimulation), recognizes the same molecules as certain MHC-linked Xenopus alloantisera, and immunoprecipitates class II molecules from Xenopus cells consistent with the tissue distribution of mammalian class II molecules. The Xenopus class II molecules are composed of two different chains, both of which are 30 to 35kD transmembrane glycoproteins. The alpha-chains have some N-terminal sequence homology with mammalian class II alpha-chains (both I-E/DR and I-A/DC); the beta-chains are directly recognized by anti-p29boost and have a markedly increased SDS gel mobility under nonreducing conditions. During biosynthesis, they are noncovalently associated with a number of other chains, including ones at 25kD, 33kD, and 40 to 45kD. The alpha-chains bear three N-linked glycans (two Endo H insensitive in mature material) and the beta-chains bear two (one Endo H insensitive). Unlike most mammalian class II molecules, the deglycosylated beta-chains are significantly larger and more acidic than the alpha-chains.