By using the classic approximation method of Singwi, Tosi, Land, and Sjölander (STLS), we calculate the ground-state energy of the one- and two-dimensional Hubbard model in the half-filled antiferromagnetic state. In the one-dimensional case, by comparison with the exact result of Lieb and Wu, we find that the STLS correlation energy is generally better than that obtained from the random-phase approximation (RPA) and competes in quality with the best values obtained from variational calculations based on the antiferromagnetic Gutzwiller wave function (AFGWF). In particular, the STLS approximation yields a maximum in the absolute value of the correlation energy as a function of U, which is also found in the exact treatment, but not in the RPA. However, the numerical values of the STLS correlation energy are not as accurate as in the case of the uniform electron gas. In two dimensions, where the exact energy is not known, we find a similar relationship between the results of STLS, RPA, and AFGWF calculations, but the absolute value of the correlation energy is smaller. For large values of U, in both dimensions, the STLS method (like the RPA) runs into difficulties, due to the insufficient treatment of transverse spin fluctuations.