Rapid induction of alpha-amylase by nongrowing mycelia of Aspergillus oryzae

A rapid induction system for synthesis of alpha-amylase by the funga Aspergillus oryzae M-13 was established. The mycelia were prepared from 20-h cultures grown on a peptone-glycerol medium and starved for 5 h; maltose was the optimum inducer tested. During h 1 of induction, formation of both intra- and extracellular alpha-amylases occurred at an almost identical rate (70 to 80 microgram/g of cells-h) without a detectable lag period. After a 1-h induction period, a remarkable increase in the extracellular concentration of the enzyme occurred, and a maximum rate (330 microgram/g of cells-h) was reached after 1.5 h of induction. During h 2 of induction, no significant change in mycelial weight was observed. Purified samples of intra- and extracellular enzymes formed in the induction system showed identical properties as examined by behavior in diethylaminoethyl-cellulose column chromatography, gel filtration, discontinuous gel electrophoresis, electrofocusing, optimal conditions for the reaction, heat stability, and molecular weight.