A functional evaluation of ansa cervicalis nerve transfer for unilateral vocal cord paralysis: Future directions for laryngeal reinnervation

There are a variety of methods for treating unilateral vocal cord paralysis, but to date there are few objective studies that evaluate the functional results of nerve transfer from the ansa cervicalis. Six dogs underwent unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve section with immediate reanastamosis to the sternothyroid branch of the ansa cervicalis. After 5 to 6 months, measurements of vocal efficiency and acoustic parameters, videolaryngoscopy, videostroboscopy, and evoked electromyography were performed. Identical measurements were made in eight control dogs during normal electrically induced phonation and a simulated unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis. Histologic analysis of both vocalis muscles, recurrent laryngeal nerves, ansa cervicalis, and the ansa-recurrent laryngeal nerve anastomosis site was performed. Evidence of reinnervation was found in all of the animals that underwent nerve transfer. The vocal efficiency and acoustic quality after ansa cervicalis nerve transfer were dependent on the degree of electrical stimulation from the transferred nerve to the reinnervated cord during phonation. In the absence of electrical stimulation to the nerve transfer, physiologic vocal cord motion could not be elicited from the reinnervated cord.