Recent commissioning experience on the SLC ARCS

The Arc transport line, which brings high-energy, high-intensity electron and positron bunches from the SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) linac to the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC) final focus section, has been in operation for the past few years. The techniques developed for the optical tuneup and diagnostics, performance, and ongoing improvement programs are reviewed. In the operation of the SLC Arcs, powerful tools are implemented to: (i) correct systematic gradient errors due mainly to horizontal placement errors (phasefix), (ii) correct systematic skew-field errors due mainly to vertical placement errors (skewfix), and (iii) semiempirically modify the effective beta functions at the Arc exit (wirefix) Author(s) Toge, N. Stanford Linear Accel. Center, Stanford Univ., CA, USA Bambade, P. ; Barklow, T. ; Brown, K.L. ; Bulos, F. ; Burke, D.L. ; Fieguth, T. ; Haissinkski, J. ; Hutton, A. ; Jung, C. ; Kheifets, S.A. ; Komamiya, S. ; Mattison, T. ; Murray, J.J. ; Phinney, N. ; Placidi, M. ; Ritson, D.M. ; Sands, M. ; Sheppard, J.C. ; Weinstein, A.

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