Ceramides constitute the major group of lipids in the Stratum Corneum where they play a crucial role in maintaining the water permeability barrier of the mammalian epidermis. Cutaneous ceramides are highly heterogeneous in structure. Consequently commercial standards of all these molecules are not available and no simple analytical system supports this magnitude at this time. Our work suggests a strategy, which offers the possibility of having the first simple tool for ceramide structural identification in the absence of a ceramide standard. The ceramide separation is done in NARP (non-aqueous reverse phase) liquid chrom-atography and the ceramide structural identification in GC/MS (gas chromatography / mass spectrometry). The correlation between these two methods establishes the retention behaviour of ceramides. This retention has been shaped into abacuses. This approach is based on various theories: the linear progression of t'R in a linear gradient, methylene selectivity and the incrementation on homologous series. This approach by modelisation has the advantage of being completed by iterations each time a new structure is available and without having to carry out the optimisation of the system again.