Comparison of epidemiologic markers for Staphylococcus epidermidis

Cultures of Staphylococcus epidermidis from the eyes or nose of the same individual were compared by their antimicrobial phenotype, Staph-Ident (Analytab Products, Inc., Plainview, N.Y.) profile number, phage type, and plasmid profile to determine which parameters provide the most compelling data for their identity. None of the parameters alone provided this type of information. The most conclusive data for the identity of strains resulted when two cultures had the same long phage type and identical or similar plasmid profiles. The presence of a large, slowly migrating plasmid band(s) in a culture that agreed with its pair in all other parameters and, in all likelihood, was the same strain casts doubt in some instances on the reliability of the plasmid profile alone for strain identification in an epidemiologic study.