A L[CLC]y[/CLC]α Bright Jet from a Herbig A[CLC]e[/CLC] Star

We report the detection in Lyα of a collimated, bipolar outflow (HH 409) associated with the 1.5-10 Myr old Herbig Ae star HD 163296. A blueshifted jet is visible in Lyα and Si III extending toward the southwest for at least 6'' (725 AU). The combination of low line-of-sight extinction and relative faintness of the central star near Lyα enables us to trace the jet to within an unprecedented 006 (7.3 AU) of HD 163296. The jet has a radial velocity of 335-380 km s-1, which is common for protostellar outflows. We also detected redshifted Lyα emission southwest of the star that may be due to infall or a poorly collimated wind component. If the age of the star is correct, then protostellar outflows may last up to 10 times longer than previously believed.

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