Sarcoid of the Fundus

Ocular lesions occur in 25% to 64% of patients with sarcoidosis, and many common ocular manifestations, such as the anterior uveitis, are well documented and have recently been reviewed.1,2 Involvement of the ocular fundus by sarcoid may occur more frequently than is generally recognized.3,13 It is the purpose of this communication to review the reported cases of sarcoid involving the fundus in an attempt to delineate the types of involvement, their frequency, and significance and for diagnosis and prognosis. Analysis of Reported Cases Only 66 patients with demonstrated sarcoidosis and fundus lesions have been reported to date. Of these, 40 are sufficiently well documented to be analyzed in detail. The prevalence of sarcoid of the fundus was nearly the same for both sexes and showed a wide age distribution. The marked preponderance of Caucasian patients may be due to the fact that most of these reports were by