We show that the exact Kohn-Sham wave functions and exact Kohn-Sham exchange potential vxKS may be calculated for any spherically symmetric system in which the electron states are described by orbitals having only two different radial wave functions. In this exchange-only theory the total energy, electron density, and maximum single-particle energy eigenvalue are all identical to the corresponding Hartree-Fock ground-state results. We present results for an external harmonic-oscillator potential with two filled subshells corresponding to a total of eight (unpolarized) electrons or a total of four (spin-polarized) electrons for a wide range of spring constants. Comparisons are made between the results obtained from the exact KS theory and those obtained from employing the local-spin-density (LSD) and Slater (SLA) exchange approximation and from the exact Hartree-Fock results with respect to wave functions, densities, single-particle eigenvalues, exchange energy, and the calculation of Hartree-Fock expectation values for total energy and single-particle energies employing single-particle density-functional wave functions. Of particular interest is the result that vxKS and vxLSD are similar in shape, but not in magnitude, which results in LSD orbitals which closely approximate the exact KS orbitals even though the single-particle eigenvalues are significantly in error and are in fact less accurate than those given by the SLA.