Quenching ofTb3+Luminescence by Direct Transfer and Migration in Aluminum Garnets

The relative emission per ion and the lifetime have been obtained as a function of Tb concentration for the D45 to FJ7 transitions in (Y1xTbx)3Al5O12 crystals. At 297 °K both are concentration independent for x<0.3 and decrease as x4.6±0.2 for x>0.4 up to about a factor 102 for Tb3 Al5 O12. From the time dependence of the intrinsic Tb3 Al5 O12 luminescence the initial nonexponential portion of the decay is shown to be consistent with direct dipolar transfer to nonradiative sinks. The later part of the decay is exponential and involves resonant Tb3+-Tb3+ migration to the sinks. The direct transfer is found to be relatively temperature insensitive, but migration is not. There is little migration at low temperatures but for T>8°K, where the higher-energy D45 levels begin to be populated, the migration rate increases rapidly. The temperature dependence of the migration constant D was calculated using the level populations and oscillator strengths. The migration contribution to the exponential decay is proportional to D34 indicating the Tb3+-Tb3+ transfer also involves dipolar interactions. Impurity-perturbed Tb3+ emission is observed for T<12°K. These ions are mainly populated by direct dipole transfer from the intrinsic ions. Multiple-ion-decay processes involving the deexcitation of an ion in the D45 state and the simultaneous excitation of three or...