Molar growth yields, respiration and cytochrome profiles of Beneckea natriegens when grown under carbon limitation in a chemostat

The effect of growth rate on the physiology of Beneckea natriegens was studied in chemostat culture. The molar growth yields (Y) from glucose and oxygen, the specific rates of oxygen (q O 2) and glucose (q glc) consumption and the specific rate of CO2 production (q CO 2) were linearly dependent on the growth rate over the dilution rate 0.17 h-1 to 0.60 h-1. Further increase in the dilution rate resulted in a decrease in growth yield and respiration rate and these changes were coincident with increases in the specific rate of glucose utilisation and of acetate production. The affinity of Beneckea natriegens for glucose was similar when measured either directly in chemostat culture or in a closed oxygen electrode system using harvested bacteria. The total content of cytochromes decreased with increasing growth rate. However, the quantity of CO-binding cytochromes remained independent of growth rate and correlated with the potential respiration rate.