Life Span Study of SPF Fischer 344 Male Rats Fed AdLibitum or Restricted Diets: Longevity, Growth, Lean Body Mass and Disease

A life-span study was carried out on longevity, pathologic lesions, growth, lean body mass and selected aspects of muscle of barrier-maintained SPF fischer 344 rats fed either ad libitum (Group A) or 60% of the ad libitum intake (Group R). Food restriction was as effective in prolonging the life of already long-lived SPF rats as previously shown for rats maintained in conventional facilities. Food restriction not only increased the mean length of life but also acted to extend life span since more than 60% of the Group R rats lived longer than the longest lived Group A rat. Renal lesions occurred at an earlier age in Group A rats than in Group R rats and progressed more rapidly. Death of most Group A rats was associated with severe renal lesions while few Group R rats showed such lesions at death. Food restriction was also found to delay or prevent interstitial cell tumors of the testes, bile duct hyperplasia, myocardial fibrosis and myocardial degeneration. Gastrocnemius muscle mass declined in advanced age and food restriction delayed this decline. Interestingly, however, lean body mass did not progressively decline with increasing age but rather decline occurred only after the onset of the terminal disease process.