Pesticide Inhibition of the Entomogenous Fungus Nomuraea rileyi in Soybeans 1

Two applications of the fungicides Benlate®, Du Ter®, and Bravo®, and Benlate in combination with carbaryl were made to soybean. Infection of lepidopterous larvae by the entomogenous fungus Nomuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson was inhibited to some degree by application of Benlate ®, Du Ter®, and Bravo®. Bravo caused the most inhibition followed by Bentlate and Du Ter respectively. In one instance the combination of Benlate + carbaryl was more disruptive to N. rileyi than either chemical alone. Inhibition was greatest when pesticide application coincided with the early stages of N. rileyi epizootics.